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To know and learn how fast you can write you need to undergo a writing test. This way you can learn how good you are as well as if there is further room for improvement. The typing speed test will tell you your score.
To improve your current typing speed you need to polish your skills further. Improving your writing speed demands practice. The more you practice your skills the better outcome. Here are some of the main ways to improve typing speed.
There are different types of keyboards available with different shapes. If you are not feeling comfortable with your keyboard, then select an ergonomic keyboard. It will make you’re typing comfortable. While purchasing the keyboard, keep the size of the keys in your mind. The larger keys will prove easy in typing. Concave shape keys are easy and most comfortable while typing. The reason is it fits best in your finger shape and will reduce the chances of error. So, when you buying a keyboard you should go through some keyboard test.
It will always make sure that you press the key, and the results will appear on the screen. You don’t need to look for the outcome.
The keyboards are available with different types of features and layouts, such as the shortcut keys. When you get familiar with the shortcut keys, you can also increase the speed of typing.
There is a specific pattern that improves the typing. According to this pattern, it will tell you which finger will hit which key. The same type of fingers strike home keys and above and below keys.
This finger is for 1, 2, Z, Q, and A keys.
This finger is for the 3, W, S, and X keys.
This finger is for the 4, E, C, and D keys.
This finger is for 5, 6, R, T, G, V, B, and F
This finger is for 7, Y, U, H, N, M, and J
This finger is for 8, I, comma, and K.
This for 9, 0, full stop key, and L
This finger is for 0, dash, equal to, P, brackets, slash, and semicolon
Always use thumb to press space bar.
The 10 finger layout is made to put your keyboard to better use as well as become a pro at writing by placing your finger in just the right places. With the correct position, you can achieve typing blindly on your computer while also increasing efficiency and making less room for error.
The correct position in the 10 finger typing layout is such that your left finger is placed on the keys A, S, D, F while your right finger is placed on the keys J, K, L and semicolon while placing both fingers on the space bar. This position gives you easy access to all the keys thus speeding up the typing process.
The QWERTY keyboard was invented in the early 1870s by a man named Christopher Latham Sholes. He was a newspaper editor as well as a writer. He developed a writing machine with the assistance of his friends Carlos Glidden and Samuel W. Soulé.
He built it in this way instead of ABC as the early prototype developed this way had the issue of the bars colliding with each other. So he thought of a way where the most commonly used letters were spread apart.
The word per minute or WPM test allows a person to view their score on how many words they can type in a minute. You can test yourself and view your improvement every time. As well as compare your speed to an average good score.
This speed typing test is free and is made for you to practice and polish your skills to become a professional in typing by taking the test again and again. However, if you have achieved a really good score and have indeed achieved the ultimate level and want a certificate made you will be expected to deposit an amount.
Here are a few tips and tricks that will help you in improving your typing skills!
We have chosen words that the more commonly used. To improve your skills we have run tests through different articles and have chosen many words that are occurring again and again in them.
We have developed this typing test to help you achieve your personal goals in improving your WPM writing speed as well as give employers an idea on who to hire for a typing job by testing their employees through this test.
Fast typing saves a lot of time and gets the job done quicker. Many jobs require a lot of typing thus you must be fast in typing. By getting work done in less time than usual you will have time to do other things as well.
The average wpm typing speed is 41 WPM. This means that an average person can type 41 words in a minute. While 41 WPM isn’t very high, this average speed is usually more than enough to get you through different jobs, type or write in jobs like accountant, typist, or secretary. However, if you want to get a better job or excel at it, you should work to improve typing speed. With a better typing speed, you can get more work done in less time.
The average typing speed of girls is seen as being lower than boys on average. The average typing words per minute of girls is usually 37WPM. At 12 years old, girls have an average typing WPM of 37.
The average WPM of boys is faster than girls. At 12 years old, boys have an average typing speed of 44WPM which is 7 WPM faster than girls.
A survey was conducted with 300 students between 13 to 27 years of age participating. About 35.5% of students had a typing speed of 30 to 40WPM. 36.8% of the students had a WPM of 30. Only 1.7% of the students had an average typing speed over 60WPM. As per this survey, 83% of the students had a typing speed distribution between 20 to 50WPM.
Other than just the typing speed, the accuracy rate also counts. A good typing speed will only be valuable when a writer has a good accuracy rate. The average accuracy rate of students was found to be 94.38%. However, the students who had a score below 30WPM had an accuracy rate of 95.75%.
A survey conducted to check the average WPM of office workers aged between 24 to 27 revealed interesting results. The results showed that more than 37% of general office workers had a WPM speed of 20 to 30WPM. Around 28.7% of the people had a typing speed lying between 30 to 40 WPM, and almost 14.9% of the office workers had a typing speed of 40 to 50WPM. Those whose typing speed crossed 50WPM were only 11.8%. The overall average accuracy rate of office work stood at 93.8%, which was lower than the student’s accuracy rate. But this rate, overall, also is a good accuracy rate.
Alternatively, it was noted that the typing speed of programmers was quite high. Since programmers usually spend their time typing codes, a good typing speed from their end was quite natural and expected. The results had shown that approx. 73% of the programmers had a typing speed lying between 30 to 70WPM. Only 3.4% of the coders had a typing speed below 30WPM. Impressively, 9.3% of this group had gone above 70WPM.
The average accuracy of programmers was 94.38%. However, programmers who had a fast typing speed lying between 40 to 70WPM had an excellent accuracy rate of 96.43%.
The typing speed test of teenagers showed that their average WPM was around 38, which is slightly higher than the average typing speed of students. Nevertheless, their accuracy rate was lower than the rest.
CPM stands for characters per minute and indicates how many characters a person types per minute. A CPM is calculated by multiplying the WPM from 5.
A good score in words per minute is 65-75 words. However many typing jobs require 85-95 or 120 WPM.
Also check Spacebar Clicker
The most proper typing position is the 10 finger typing layout. Once understanding the placement you are not required to look at the screen. It speeds up the process a significant amount by giving easy access to all the characters.
In conclusion, if you are looking to increasing your typing speed you need to achieve an average of 65-75 words per minute, or if you are looking for a typing job you need to achieve the level of the good or advanced score. All of this can be achieved by taking our typing speed test online.
It will not take very long you just need typing practice and learn about positioning and the rest will fall into place.
You will be able to view them once you finish the keyboard speed test.
Yes, this is also a good typing test on which employers can test you.
No studies have proven the link between age and typing speed, but it has been suggested that the performance speed decreases as a person ages. This is especially true for non-professional typists, but no evidence has been found.
Since the average typing speed lies between 35 to 40WPM, anything lower than this will fall under the category of a low typing speed. 10, 20, and 30WPM are usually considered low typing speeds. You should always aim to go above these speeds.
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